Taylor Swift Sends Cease & Desist To Social Media User Tracking Her Jet
Taylor Swift Sends Cease & Desist to Jet Tracker ... You're Inviting Stalkers!!!
Taylor Swift's lawyers told a college student who tracks celebrity jets online to cut it out or risk facing legal action -- something made crystal clear in a letter they fired off to him.
According to WaPo, Jack Sweeney -- a University of Central Florida student -- received a cease and desist from Taylor's camp in December of this past year ... which told him in no uncertain terms that he needed to stop posting Taylor's whereabouts on his social pages.
Sweeney had one page that was completely dedicated to tracking Taylor's private jet -- as well as a general celebrity jet page, where her jet would at times be tracked too -- and he was using publicly available data from the FAA and amateurs who'd throw out data for fun.
This guy had had this page for a good while, but many noticed that the @taylorswiftjets account had gone dark in recent months ... and that's because T-Swift's team stepped in.
Per WaPo -- which got a look at the C&D letter sent to Sweeney -- Swift's attorneys warned him they would "have no choice but to pursue any and all legal remedies" if he didn't stop the "stalking and harassing behavior."
Her team also made clear that Sweeney's online behavior was putting her safety and well-being at risk ... and that the fact her jet was being tracked made her fearful, causing emotional and physical distress.
The letter reportedly adds ... "While this may be a game to you, or an avenue that you hope will earn you wealth or fame, it is a life-or-death matter for our Client." One lawyer went on to say ... there was "no legitimate interest in or public need for this information, other than to stalk, harass, and exert dominion and control."
As for how Sweeney is responding ... defiance, it seems. He and the attorneys he's retained say he's not in violation of any laws and is simply posting data that's publicly available. The report notes he's attempted to create different Swift-tracking pages on all the main social media platforms -- but has been banned by the companies for violating their privacy rules.
It doesn't sound like a lawsuit has been filed against him yet -- but Taylor's camp is certainly threatening one if the guy keeps at it. By all accounts, he seems dead set on doing so.

It goes without saying ... Taylor has a long history with stalkers in her life, including one who recently continued to show up at her NYC despite multiple arrests.
What her team is saying here is ... the jet-tracking only encourages these obsessive types.
We'll be talking all things Taylor on the new "TMZ Swift-Tea Podcast" -- available on all podcast platforms starting today!