T.J. Holmes Concerned Over Racial Element to Amy Robach Fight
T.J. HOLMES & AMY ROBACH Worried Our Spat Seen As Black Man Attacking White Woman

It isn't just listeners worried about T.J. Holmes and Amy Robach's awkward podcast feud -- T.J. himself is concerned about a racial backlash over their bickering, and hesitated to post the episode because of it.
T.J. says he feared the argument would be viewed as a "Black man beating up on a white woman" ... though Amy was shocked, saying on Thursday's episode, she'd never considered race an issue in their relationship.

She said the fact he's Black and she's white had never crossed her mind ... though she quickly acknowledged that's exactly the point T.J.'s trying to make.
Amy admits she didn't realize something seemingly as minimal as sharing a recording of their argument would come with a racial element -- though now, the lightbulb's gone off for her.
Basically, the new episode is the couple explaining why they're second-guessing the decision to record, and then post the heated discussion about the future of their relationship -- and, for T.J., race is a major factor.

He says he's learned over the years to keep his composure during confrontations with white women -- avoiding yelling or screaming so he doesn't come across as that old trope of the "angry Black man."

Amy says she noticed T.J. has a very real point when she saw the comments on their argument episode and the media coverage of it.
As we reported Monday, the duo fueled split rumors following the very public tension in their relationship.

They laid all their cards on the table ... noting they hadn't slept in the same bed for several days, Amy mentioning career pressure, and T.J. questioning her communication skills.

A day later, they dismissed breakup speculation, walking arm in arm in NYC in an IG clip -- adding they dropped the episode cause they wanted to give fans a no-holds-barred look at their relationship.