Donald Trump Promises He'll Only Be a 'Dictator' On Day One If Elected President
Donald Trump I Promise I'll Be a Dictator ... But Only on Day 1

Donald Trump made an ominous promise Tuesday night ... he promises if he's elected President again he will be a dictator ... but only for a short time.
Trump was front and center at a Fox News town hall when Sean Hannity asked him if he had plans to abuse power if elected. Sounds like a crazy question, but you may recall Trump has been talking about retribution against his enemies if he gets back in The White House.
Trump was clear ... yes, he would be a dictator on Day 1, but not thereafter. And, he said, on Day 1, he would unilaterally close the border and create a clear path for oil drilling.
Here's the thing ... if you look at the history of dictators in the world, they generally don't give up power once they attain it.
The other thing ... when Trump says he'd be a dictator for a day, it's not clear what that means in reference to the border and drilling. If he's talking about executive orders -- something presidents have in their toolbox of power -- that's not dictatorial. So it's interesting he embraced the word "dictator."
One more thing ... during the grievance-filled show, Trump said, "I often say Al Capone, he was one of the greatest of all time if you like criminals. He was a mob boss the likes of which -- Scarface they called him -- and he got indicted once. I got indicted 4 times."

Sorry, Donald, Al's got you beat. Capone was indicted 6 times.