Ivan 'Pudge' Rodriguez Strips Down To His Undies For Testicular Cancer Awareness
Ivan 'Pudge' Rodriguez Strips Down To His Undies ... For Testicular Cancer Awareness

Ivan "Pudge" Rodriguez just got in front of a camera with his manhood nearly on full display ... and he's hoping the hilarious sight will now help save some lives.
The MLB legend stripped down to his undies as part of a partnership with underwear company Saxx -- filming a 75-second commercial with the goal of raising awareness for testicular cancer in mind.
In the vid, Rodriguez rocked a pair of boxer briefs that he insisted held his family jewels "like a catcher's mitt" ... before he introduced a "Ballgorithm" that will ultimately raise cash for the good cause.
Rodriguez and his co-host explained ... the algorithm -- a math equation centered around the number of bad balls that a pitcher hurls during a contest -- will be applied to every Rangers vs. Diamondbacks World Series game this fall ... and then that figure will be multiplied by 1,000.

That total number will then be turned into dollars and donated to the Testicular Cancer Foundation -- a cause Pudge tells TMZ Sports he cares deeply about.
"The purpose is just to make people laugh and make people aware to go check themselves," he said, "and we did a nice commercial."
The MLB Hall of Famer -- who's now working as a special assistant to the general manager of the Rangers -- said he's been catching a lot of ribbin' both inside and outside of the Texas clubhouse over the vid ... but he couldn't be happier that it might prevent tragedies for people going forward.
"For me, that's the most important thing," he said. "Pay attention. This is a disease you can get in the early ages. So, our message is just to go check, because you never know."

As for Pudge's former team -- the Rangers -- they're all tied up at 1-1 with the DBacks and are now headed to Arizona for Game 3 on Monday night. Check out our interview with Pudge to see how he thinks it'll all shake out from here!!