Letter Signed by 14 Presidents Up For Sale, Set Guinness World Record
U.S. Presidents Letter With 14 POTUS Signatures Up For Sale ... Guinness World Record!!!
Here's a chance to get your hands on a historic item from the Guinness World Records Book ... a letter signed by 14 U.S. Presidents is hitting the open market ... and it's on sale for 6-figures.
It's the only document in the world with 14 presidential signatures ... and it's been autographed by basically every president from Herbert Hoover on down, save for John F. Kennedy and Joe Biden.
The record-setting presidential parchment is going up for sale through Moments In Time ... with a $175,000 price tag.
The story behind the letter is super cool ... as reported in the Amarillo Globe-News ... it all started in October 1932 when a Texas man named Richard C. Corbyn wrote to Franklin D. Roosevelt about a potential campaign stop in Arizona. FDR wrote back and signed his autograph at the bottom.
Corbyn was 18 years old when he got FDR's response in the mail, and 30 years later in 1962 he realized the letter would have even more value if he could just get other presidents to leave their John Hancock on the same piece of paper ... and he set out to get more signatures.
The second to sign was Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1962 ... and in 1963 the letter added signatures from Harry S. Truman, Lyndon B. Johnson and Hoover.
Corbyn tried to get JFK's autograph ... but the Kennedy assassination derailed those plans ... and he went 12 years before getting another signature until Gerald Ford signed in 1975 while in office.
Jimmy Carter signed in 1976; Richard Nixon signed in 1978; Ronald Reagan signed in 1980; George H. W. Bush signed in 1988; Bill Clinton signed in 1993 and George W. Bush signed in 2002.

Barack Obama proved to be a little more difficult ... it took the Corbyns 7 years to get Obama's signature ... finally getting him to sign in November 2015.
Donald Trump's the last president to sign the letter, leaving his mark in January 2020 ... and it sounds like the Corbyns are good with selling without a signature from Biden.