Rep Lauren Boebert's Presumed Boyfriend Hosts Drag Shows at His Aspen Bar
Rep. Lauren Boebert Presumed BF Hosts Drag Shows at Aspen Bar ... She's Definitely Not a Fan
Rep. Lauren Boebert's presumed boyfriend is not only a Democrat but presumably a supporter of the LGBTQ community ... so the plot just keeps thickening.
Quinn Gallagher, the man who was grabbing Bobert's breast as she was grabbing his crotch as they watched a musical, has a bar in Aspen -- the Hooch Craft Cocktail Bar -- which hosts drag shows.
As you probably know, the Republican firebrand has railed on drag shows, worrying that children might somehow be influenced to do something, although she's never been specific.

It's the latest twist in a nutty tale. As we reported, Boebert was ejected from the "Beetlejuice" performance in Denver, after vaping (something she denied but is as clear as day in the surveillance video), signing, disrupting and talking trash to other audience members.

In another video, you see Gallagher pawing Boebert's breast and Boebert groping his crotch.
And, as we told you, on their way out of the theatre, she flipped off an usher.
Like we said ... a nutty week.