Man Pulled Over For Driving with Huge Bull in Passenger Seat
Man Driving a Bull Pulled Over with Huge Passenger ... Mind the Horns!!!

This is 100% no bulls*** ... besides what was left all over a modified taxi pulled over by cops because of the suspicious passenger riding shotgun -- a massive bull out for a joyride in Nebraska!
Norfolk Police got a call Wednesday morning about a man driving down a highway with a cow ... and while officers expected to see a calf -- it is Nebraska, after all -- footage from News Channel Nebraska shows they grossly underestimated.
Check it out -- it looks like the driver modified his ride so the big Watusi breed of cattle, named Howdy Doody, can cruise down the road right next to him instead of gettin' towed.
It looks like the driver, named Lee Meyer, and Howdy were in a state parade over the weekend ... because a banner on Lee's car read, "Nebraska’s Big Rodeo Parade: Best Car Entry.”
One thing, though, looks like Lee's driving scared the you-know-what outta Howdy, and he dumped all over the ride!!! Hope they've got BIG carwashes in Nebraska.
Don't worry, Howdy didn't get cuffed or hoofprinted at the police station -- cops let 'em both head home after the traffic stop. Just another day for Howdy and Lee, we're guessing.