Joe Biden Makes Snarky Remark About Donald Trump's Mug Shot
Joe Biden Chuckles About Donald Trump Mug Shot ... Ridicules Him To Press

President Joe Biden rubbed salt into Donald Trump’s wounds Friday, chuckling about his rival's now infamous mug shot while making a snarky remark.
JB poked fun at DT after he walked out of a Pilates class in South Tahoe, California, and answered a few questions from a gaggle of reporters waiting outside.
Biden was asked if he saw Trump’s booking photo and he started laughing, saying he caught the image on TV.
POTUS then mocked Trump, calling him a “handsome guy, wonderful guy.”
Some observers didn’t take kindly to Biden's remarks and booed him, showing the deep divide between voters and just how ugly our politics have become.
And Trump is in the middle of it with his myriad of legal woes stemming from the last presidential election. As you know, the 45th President has been indicted on state and federal charges in four jurisdictions around the country.
This past week, Trump posed for his historic mug shot at the Fulton County Jail in Georgia, where he stands accused of trying to subvert the results of the 2020 presidential election.
As Trump‘s world only gets harder, Biden seems to be enjoying his Pilates classes while on vacation in Tahoe. The two are expected to square off again in the 2024 presidential general election.