Stevie J Marks Hip Hop's 50th Anniversary by Picking All-Time Top 3 Beats
Stevie J Happy 50th Hip Hop ... Here's the Top 3 Beats, All-Time!!!

Stevie J is celebrating the 50th anniversary of hip hop by reaching deep into his own mental crates to find you the greatest beats of all time... to his ears, at least.
We ran into Stevie Friday at LAX, and seeing as how this marks the actual day Kool Herc got on the ones and twos for a 1973 party in the Boogie Down -- birthing hip hop -- we had to get Stevie's perspective on the momentous occasion.
For all the young'uns who only know Stevie from his 'Love and Hip Hop' days ... dude was a beast on the boards, producing some of the genre's biggest hits in the '90s, primarily for Bad Boy Records. So, we asked him to name the top 3 beats in hip hop history.
He took just a few seconds to think about it, and then ripped off his list. First up, Puff Daddy's "It's All About the Benjamins." Stevie didn't produce that one, but he did show himself some love with his second pick .. another Bad Boy classic, this one from Notorious B.I.G.
He had a harder time coming up with his #3, and, arguably, cheated as he tipped his hat to the Wu-Tang Clan.
Not everyone's gonna agree with Stevie, but that's what makes this a great day for hip hop heads -- arguing your top 3, top 5 or even top 10.
Happy 50th to hip hop, and big ups to Herc!!! Where would we be without ya?