'Big Brother' Houseguest Felicia Cannon Destroys Mics in Hot Tub, Toilet
'Big Brother' Felicia Cannon Destroying Mics in Toilet, Hot Tub ... Three Dunks in One Week!!!

"Big Brother" contestant Felicia Cannon is leaving a trail of destruction in her wake -- ruining several microphones in just the first week, with toilets and hot tubs proving to be her kryptonite.
Felicia, the oldest houseguest this season, has only been in the 'BB' house a few days ... and she's already dunked at least 3 microphones in water.

One incident happened when the houseguests first got access to the backyard, and Felicia literally fell into the hot tub ... which produced some hilarious audio.
Before the mic was ruined, it captured her scream and then the sound of bubbles as the mic was submerged.

Felicia's also destroying equipment in the bathroom, as the mics fall off her clothing and down into the toilet water when nature calls.
It's not like she can get away with it either -- the show's 24/7 online feed captured her exiting the bathroom with her skirt halfway down her butt as she tries to explain away her latest wet mic incident.
According to BB Live watchers there may have been a few other splash downs not captured by cameras.
Equipment loss aside, Felicia's proving to be the star of "Big Brother 25" ... she's a must-watch on the live feeds, and she's pretty funny when she laughs off the mic drops.
"Big Brother" producers are doing their best to cut their losses -- they've started wrapping her mics in plastic bags!!!