Four Oklahoma Officials In Hot Water Over Violent Racist Rhetoric
Four Oklahoma Officials Facing Backlash For Lynching Comment ... Governor Demands Their Resignations

Four white Oklahoma officials were secretly recorded talking about murdering journalists, lynching black people and joking about someone dying -- and now they're all in very hot water.
Oklahoma Governor Kevin Stitt called for the immediate resignations of McCurtain County Sheriff Kevin Clardy, Sheriff's Captain Alicia Manning, Jail Administrator Larry Hendrix and District 2 Commissioner Mark Jennings after the recordings were published by a local news outlet.
In addition, the Oklahoma Sheriff's Association held an emergency meeting Tuesday and voted unanimously to suspend the three cops -- Clardy, Manning and Hendrix -- from the membership-only union.
According to the McCurtain Gazette-News, which broke the story, Manning, Jennings and Clardy were the primary culprits captured on various recordings -- obtained by The Oklahoman -- discussing their evil plans, while using racist rhetoric. Little did they know that their conversations were being taped by an anonymous person.
In one recording, they discussed killing reporters Bruce and Chris Willingham, whose family owns the McCurtain newspaper. Jennings allegedly told Clardy and Manning that he knows where "two deep holes are dug if you ever need them." Clardy reportedly responded, 'I've got an excavator." Jennings allegedly added that he's acquainted with "two or three hit men" who would "cut no f***ng mercy."
Manning then reportedly chimed in, saying her dad would have physically assaulted Chris Willingham and "used him for toilet paper" before killing him.
On another recording, the trio allegedly lamented how their jobs have changed and chatted about potential candidates for the sheriff's position.
Jennings allegedly said ... "I'm gonna tell you something. If it was back in the day, when that Alan Marshton would take a damn black guy and whoop their ass and throw him in the cell? I'd run for f****** sheriff." He continued: "Take them down to Mud Creek and hang them up with a d**n rope. But you can't do that anymore. They got more rights than we got."
Another recording purportedly featured Clardy and Hendrix joking about someone who died in a house fire, comparing the victim to a slab of "barbecue meat.
Governor Stitt was so appalled by the recordings that he called for the resignation of all four officials and ordered the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation to look into whether any illegal conduct had occurred.
The McCurtain County Sheriff's Office also launched a probe, but the agency appeared to circle the wagons. In a statement, the office said it was a violation of the law to make the secret recordings, which were also illegally obtained by the news agency.
The three officers are still on full active duty. As for District 2 Commissioner Jennings, he, too, remains on the job ... for now.
Stay tuned.