YouTuber Adin Ross Keeps Getting Swatted, LAPD Changing Its Response
YouTuber Adin Ross The Swatting's Gotta Stop ... LAPD Changing Its Approach
YouTuber Adin Ross has been the victim of repeated swatting pranks ... and now L.A. cops are taking steps to change how they respond to calls involving his house.
Law enforcement sources tell TMZ ... someone tried to swat Adin again earlier this month -- LAPD says they got a call about a shooting. It was all made up.

Cops say pranksters have phoned police numerous times when Adin was live streaming so cops would show up and interrupt his stream.
We're told LAPD will now take a different approach -- police will first contact Ross' security team to make sure it's not a prank before they send out patrol cars and helicopters.
The LAPD wants everyone to know ... swatting calls are a huge waste of time and resources ... not to mention, it's always dicey to roll out with lights and sirens in traffic.