'Pitch Perfect' Star Skylar Astin's Home Burglarized
'Pitch Perfect' Star Skylar Astin Trip Away Goes Awry ... Home Hit by Thieves
"Pitch Perfect" star Skylar Astin has fallen victim to a crime that appears to be happening all too frequently in Hollywood ... his home was hit by thieves during a trip away.
Law enforcement sources tell TMZ Skylar's Los Angeles-area pad was broken into late Wednesday night. We're told the crook(s) made their way inside after breaking a rear window and then tore the place up ... presumably looking for valuables.
Our sources say Skylar got an alert to his phone about suspicious activity inside his home, so he sent a friend over to check things out, who in turn discovered evidence of a break-in and called the cops.
As of now, it's unclear what may have been stolen from the home, but once Skylar makes it back home, he'll assess the damage and figure out what, if anything, is missing. We're told the house was equipped with security cameras ... so it's possible the criminals will be caught.

However, at this time, the case is still under investigation and no arrests have been made.