Ben Affleck Shoots Dunkin' Donuts Commercial in Boston
Ben Affleck Welcome to Dunkin' ... Can I Take Your Order???

9:29 AM PT -- Jennifer Lopez was seen headed through the drive-thru and getting food from Ben.

Ben Affleck may be headed to a Super Bowl commercial near you -- because he's teamed up with the one company that's the apple of his eye ... or the pastry of his java, rather.
The actor was seen filming something with Dunkin' Donuts Tuesday morning in his native Boston ... where BA was dressed in an employee's uniform and hamming it up for cameras out of the drive-thru window as he interacted with a fake customer.
All signs point to this being a major ad ... and the speculation is that it might show up on game day, although there's no confirmation of that just yet. We wouldn't be surprised though.
Of course, this is a big deal because Ben is essentially an ambassador for the coffee chain -- time and again, he's seen in and around L.A. with a bunch of Dunkin' products ... so, frankly, it was just a matter of time before a collab came around. It's a match made in heaven.
Here's hoping Dunkin's (potential) SB spot is better than the fictional one Al Pacino did for them in 'Jack and Jill' -- where he was infamously made to sing and dance to a terrible made-up song that morphed a beverage with his name, courtesy of Adam Sandler.

Based on how jolly Ben looks in these takes, it seems they're going full espresso for his one.