IMG Academy Scores 96 points in First Half to WTP's Zero, Game Called
Football Fiasco IMG Scores 96 in First Half, Game Called Preppies Humiliated with Goose Eggs
It's one thing for a football team to destroy its opponent, but NEVER like this.
IMG Academy out of Bradenton, FL, scored 96 points at the end of the first half. It's opponent, West Toronto Prep -- clearly not prep-ared -- scored zippo.
The humiliation was just too much to bare ... officials called it a game.
Here's the thing ... WTP seemed to be getting its groove on, because IMG scored 57 points at the end of the first quarter, and only 39 points at the end of the second. So things were looking up?
In all, IMG scored 5 TD's, 4 defensive TD's, 3 safeties, etc ... it was a mess.
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As for the Preppies ... well, a participation trophy maybe?