Boosie Badazz Calls For Black Boycott Of Netflix's Jeffrey Dahmer Series
Boosie Badazz Black People Should Take a Stand ... To Ban Netflix's 'Dahmer'!!!

11:37 AM PT -- Retired FBI Agent Dan Craft is backing up former D.A. Michael McCaan's statements —telling TMZ that Boosie Badazz's racial disparity regarding Netflix's 'Dahmer' series is off base.
Craft tells TMZ, "No, Dahmer was absolutely not racist. He had white and Hispanic victims as well. It had nothing to do with race. It was all about body style. He liked a Chippendale's dancer type or a male gymnast. The black victims he chose had the RIGHT body style. They fit the Chippendales and gymnast fantasy."
Boosie Badazz isn't a fan of Netflix's new series centered around serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer ... and he wants the Black community to rally to boycott the whole project
According to Boosie, Netflix’s record-breaking "Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story" needs to be banned from the face of the earth and all the victims’ families should be paid restitution. Many of Dahmer’s victims were both Black and homosexual, and the Louisiana rapper wants African Americans to unify and get the show booted from Netflix.
Boosie didn’t mince his feelings on the series, repeatedly calling the show "sick" throughout his spew.
The call for a boycott comes off the heels of the family members of Rita Isbel, one of Dahmer’s 17 victims, lashing out at Netflix for continuing to rehash history for no cause other than making money.
It’ll be a tall order to get the series removed … Netflix is boasting its fifth-highest premiere behind titles like "Stranger Things" and "Squid Game" with 196.2M hours watched to date since debuting September 21.
Perhaps Boosie is just being suckered by a good storyline. Michael McCann, the former Milwaukee D.A. responsible for locking Dahmer up, recently told TMZ that Netflix’s troupe about cops refusing to take the disappearance of minorities and gay people seriously played no role in the serial killer’s long reign.
Originally Published -- 11:04 AM PT