Bar Patrons Get In Wild Brawl After Michael Irvin Fails To Break Beef Up
Michael Irvin Attempts To Stop Bar Fight But Patrons Brawl Anyway!!!

Despite Michael Irvin's best efforts to keep the peace -- bar patrons still got involved in a wild fistfight near the Hall of Famer in Texas on Monday ... and the crazy scene was all captured in a video obtained by TMZ Sports.
The altercation happened at around 10 p.m. at Knockout Sports Bar near Dallas -- shortly after Irvin had arrived in town from filming ESPN's "First Take" in New York City earlier in the day.
We're told the former Dallas Cowboys superstar was playing some pool with a friend near the bar area -- when a man wearing a teal T-shirt walked up to try to get a picture with The Playmaker.
Witnesses say the man who was playing with Irvin, though, told the guy to scram -- which set the dude in the teal off.
You can see in the video, the man seemed to have a huge problem with Irvin's friend ... but the ex-wide receiver eventually stepped in to get everyone to calm down.
The footage shows Irvin even hugged the guy in the teal in order to prevent a fracas. But, we're told the guy kept pressing -- and eventually, it led to an all-out brawl.
The man swung on Irvin's friend a few times, appearing to connect with his jaw repeatedly. Bouncers raced in, but the melee seemed to continue.
Finally, some of the combatants left the bar, restoring order to the scene.
It should be noted Irvin was NOT involved in the fight in any way -- he was on the other side of the restaurant having a conversation with a server. We're told he left the venue minutes after the scrap concluded.
We reached out to cops, but they said they were not called to the scene and are not investigating.
Irvin, meanwhile, has yet to publicly comment on the incident.