Rep. Ilhan Omar Recalls Insurrection as Hearings Begin, Calls it a Coup
Rep. Ilhan Omar 'January 6th Was An Attempted Coup' ... As Hearings Start in D.C.

Rep. Ilhan Omar's experience during the January 6th storming of the Capitol was traumatic -- and something she believes was sparked by Trump -- as the country gears up for one of the most important hearings in history.
We got the U.S. Congresswoman from Minnesota Thursday at the Capitol, and she says the upcoming hearing regarding last year's insurrection is going to be very eye-opening -- and she's prepared for the testimonies to be pretty triggering.

The Rep tells us the whole day was a really traumatizing experience for her and her colleagues. She was one of the many that were whisked away from the Capitol and taken off-site -- cops believed her life was in danger no matter where she was in the building.

She even tells us about the heartbreaking last-minute texts she sent to her family, just in case things took a turn for the worse.
As you know, the House select committee starts their hearings tonight ... they plan to bring to light unseen footage and evidence that proves former President Trump was at the center of the attack.