Hundreds of People in Line for Wristbands to Enter Depp-Heard Trial
Depp vs. Heard Hundreds in Line for Wristbands We Wanna See Johnny!!!

It's the final stretch for the Johnny Depp-Amber Heard trial -- and it seems people are well aware of that ... flocking to get in line for a front-row seat, and doing so by the hundreds.
Check out this insane footage we shot Tuesday morning outside of the courthouse in Fairfax, VA -- where scores of bodies are lined up outside the front entrance in hopes of scoring a wristband to gain entry ... one of the most coveted items in and around that area right now.
As you can see ... most of the folks here look to be Johnny Depp fans -- as has been the case day in and day out as this trial has gone on -- and a fair amount of them weren't shy about showing off their allegiance at the gate. And yes, a majority of 'em are young'uns.
It's just another snapshot of the public sentiment thus far -- namely, there seems to be a heck of a lot more Depp defenders than those backing Amber ... who, by and large, has been vilified, or at least on social media anyway.

Johnny meanwhile, continues to enjoy the warm reception with each passing court date ... and he's shown just as much love to his supporters as they're giving him from the street.
This thing is gonna go until Friday when closing arguments get underway ... so we suppose we oughta say -- step right up, come and get your fill, folks! Time's running out here.