Tony Hawk Walks Without Crutches 9 Days After Breaking Leg
Tony Hawk Walks Without Crutches ... 9 Days After Breaking Leg

Tony Hawk -- who suffered a career-threatening broken femur just last week -- is already up and walking without crutches ... further proving the skateboarding legend is simply built different.
The 53-year-old posted the update on Thursday ... showing a slow and steady walking pace with only a slight hobble.
It's pure insanity -- given how gnarly the break was -- but it shouldn't come as a surprise ... after all, Hawk was putting weight on the busted leg just one day after his skating accident.
Tony seems to be having some fun during his recovery ... playing Run-D.M.C.'s "Walk This Way" as he takes his steps.
As we previously reported, Hawk feared the injury could keep him from ever returning to 100% ... but with this kind of progress, it seems like he'll be on the board again in no time.

"I've said many times that I won't stop skating until I am physically unable," Hawk said last week. "A broken leg -- with plenty of hardware -- will probably be the biggest test of that creed. I'll be back ... maybe not at full capacity but I resigned to that notion years ago as I approached 'mid-life.'"
"Thanks to my unyieldingly supportive, tolerant family -- and all of you -- for the love and support through the years; I wouldn't be here without you. See you on the other side."