'Jeopardy!' Champion Amy Schneider Quits Job, Looks to Future
'Jeopardy!' Champ Amy Schneider I quit my day job!!! ... Excited for the Future

"Jeopardy!" champ Amy Schneider is now flush with cash, so she essentially went all country -- as in "take this job and shove it!!!"
Amy's way too polite to say "shove it," but she is indeed quitting her job as a software engineer. She tells us the whole "Jeopardy!" experience has been life-changing, and that includes employment.
She assumed the interactions and business discussions she was having during her run would fade away once she was dethroned. As she put it ... "That turned out to be completely incorrect."

She says the emails and meetings have made it clear ... there's more out there! She's also enjoying the life of a newly-minted celeb.
Amy went on to share what career avenues she's mulling over .... writing a book and podcasting are at the top of her list. She also says she's looking for anything educational because that clearly has served her well.
Amy was on a hot winning streak -- racking up $1.3 million over 40 episodes! It all came to an end when she went up against Rhone Talsma and lost during Final Jeopardy.
BTW ... she addresses the buzz that Ken Jennings was getting nervous she might break his record.