Island Boys' Flyysoulja Sends Condolences to Victim's Family After Friend's Arrest
Island Boys' Flyysoulja 'Gotta Stop Gang Violence!!!' Sends Condolences to Victim's Family

Alex Venegas, aka Flyysoulja from the 'Island Boys', is doing all he can to make amends with the family of an 8-year-old shooting victim ... after finding out his friend is suspected of killing the little girl.
As we reported, Andrew James Thomas was arrested during a raid at Flyysoulja's rented Florida home. He says the bust, and news of Thomas' alleged involvement in a murder, came as a total shock ... and now he tells TMZ, he'd love to help the child's family if they can connect.
For now, he's urging folks to stay away from gang violence. The TikTok star says he wants to be a positive role model, and encourage others to be better citizens ... because he hates seeing innocent people get hurt.
Flyysoulja was home Monday when cops descended on Thomas -- and he told officers his friend had urged him to hide a gun, but Flyysoulja says he refused to help him at all.
Cops ended up booking Thomas for gun possession, violation of probation for a separate robbery case, and first-degree murder for the deadly drive-by shooting of the child in Palm Beach.
While Flyysoulja and his twin bro became internet-famous last year for their viral and unintentionally hilarious "Island Boy" freestyle -- they're taking the raid very seriously.
Flyysoulja tells us he has a daughter -- so, the fact a little girl was killed in the drive-by has really shaken and inspired him to get more vocal about preventing gang violence.