Leah Remini Dishes on Scientology Upbringing While Celebrating NYU Stint
Leah Remini Dishes on Scientology Upbringing ... While Celebrating NYU Stint
Leah Remini says her enrollment at NYU stands in stark contrast to the education she says she was afforded growing up as a Scientologist -- or a staggering lack thereof, rather.
The actress peeled back even more layers to the religion -- one which she says she used to be deeply involved in, starting from a very young age -- in a long Twitter thread Sunday ... which ended with gratitude for being able to break free and obtain proper schooling.
Leah starts by describing an old headshot she submitted at 16, explaining how she had to start working very early to support herself and her family ... which she insists was necessary due to her fam's affiliation with the church of Scientology.
She claims the church drained them of their time, attention and, most importantly, their resources. And not just that, but she alleges she was starved from a formal, normal education for years throughout her youth ... something she says is the direct result of the teachings of L. Ron Hubbard.
LR goes on to say her entire life revolved around Scientology ... down to her circle of friends, and even employers, including her first agent. As she's indicated many times over the years, she says she felt suffocated by the church ... and now says she had to get into showbiz merely to survive, which doesn't sound like it was easy.
Leah describes getting turned down time and again, until finally breaking through. Eventually, she says she was able to escape Scientology altogether, and now looks back as a current NYU undergrad in awe of what she's been able to accomplish without them on her back.
The 'King of Queens' star got accepted at the university last year at the ripe age of 50 ... and it would seem things are going well on that front.
As for her bashing of Scientology ... it's nothing new. She had a huge show on A&E that ran for a few years, which dished all sorts of alleged secrets about the church -- a majority of which Scientology leaders have outright denied in very strong terms, often calling her a liar.