Tyler Perry Involved in L.A. Car Accident
Tyler Perry L.A. Car Wreck Smashes Up Bentley Mins After Leaving Airport

Tyler Perry had a not-so-nice welcome to L.A. -- getting into a nasty T-bone car crash just minutes after leaving the airport, but thankfully, all involved were okay.
Sources tell us Tyler flew into Burbank Airport Wednesday night and was driving home through Sherman Oaks in his Bentley SUV when the accident happened.
We're told the other vehicle -- a Honda Accord -- cut across 3 lanes of traffic, right across Tyler's path, and he ended up smashing into the driver's side of her car. Our sources say the woman driving the Honda fessed up to causing the collision.
Luckily, there was already a police officer in the area who was able to divert traffic and make sure everyone was alright.
We're told no one suffered serious injuries, or even went to the hospital.
Our law enforcement sources say the crash wasn't enough to generate a police report, and everything will be handled privately.