Jose Aldo Turns Up At Raiders Game, Parties W/ Diplo After UFC Win
Jose Aldo Vegas Turn Up!!! ... After UFC Win

How do you celebrate a big-time win in the Octagon?! If you're UFC star Jose Aldo ... you hit up the LV Raiders game, and then pop bottles and dance to music played by Diplo!
35-year-old Aldo beat fellow UFC star Rob Font at Fight Night Saturday night ... in a 5-round unanimous decision.
Aldo was ranked 5th before the fight ... and since he toppled the 4th ranked fighter, he is very much in title contention.
So, a reason to celebrate ... and celebrate he did Sunday afternoon.
We're told Jose attended the Raiders-WFT game (unfortunately for the hometown fans, the Raiders lost 17-15) ... hitting up the Wynn Field Club at Allegiant Stadium with 7 friends, where they watched football.
FYI, Aldo's Brazilian ... so it's unclear if he's an American football fan, or if he just went for the atmosphere and booze.
After the game, we're told Jose stayed for the game-day afterparty hosted by Diplo ... where he enjoyed bottle service with his friends, dancing up a storm.
Congrats, Jose!