Joycelyn Savage's Family Thinks She's Still Under R. Kelly's Control
R. KELLY'S GF JOYCELYN Parents Make Plea ... Stop Letting Him Control You!!!
R. Kelly's enablers need to step aside so Joycelyn Savage can get a very important message from her family ... so say the parents of Kelly's girlfriend.
Joycelyn's parents, Timothy and Jonjelyn Savage, tell TMZ ... although Kelly's locked up awaiting sentencing, they're still being shut out from talking to their daughter, and the only way to reach her is through Kelly's camp.

Her parents say they've tried to tell her about a couple of deaths in the family -- a grandfather and most recently a grandmother who died this week from cancer, but they're getting radio silence.
As we've reported, the Savages have been trying to reunite with Joycelyn ever since September when Kelly was found guilty in his federal sex crimes trial, but they say there's still no improvement in their communication.

Remember, Joycelyn has decided to stick by Kelly through thick and thin, even fighting with his now ex-GF, Azriel Clary, once Azriel decided to leave Kelly and cooperate with the feds.

TMZ broke the story ... Joycelyn's mom approached her while she was leaving a court hearing for the alleged attack on Azriel, with Jonjelyn begging to talk to her daughter.
Now, Joycelyn's parents have a strong message for her and Kelly's team, and they desperately want her to come home ... especially because Kelly's going to be behind bars for a long time.