Britney Spears' Lawyer Demands Answers from Jamie Over Bedroom Listening Device
Britney Spears Lawyer Demands Jamie Fess Up Over Listening Device
Britney Spears' lawyer says Jamie Spears has done an about-face -- now urging the judge to end the conservatorship -- to save his own hide from what might come out in a deposition.
Mathew Rosengart filed legal docs essentially calling out Jamie, arguing he's done a reversal over the conservatorship for selfish reasons. He suggests Jamie is trying to immediately end the 13-year-running conservatorship to avoid answering questions under oath ... in particular allegations he bugged his daughter's bedroom.
In the docs, Rosengart is demanding "all documents and communications relating to any recording or listening device in the home or bedroom of Britney Jean Spears, including all documents and communications relating to the decision to place any such recording or listening device and the records of any such recording."
Rosengart is also demanding "all documents and communications relating to the electronic surveillance, monitoring, cloning, or recording of the activity of Britney Jean Spears' personal telephone, including but not limited to the surveillance, monitoring, cloning, icloud mirroring, or recording of calls, emails, text messages, internet browser use or history, and social media use or direct messages on social media."
As for Jamie's deposition, Rosengart cites an email dated October 22 from Jamie's new lawyer, which says, "As far as Jamie is concerned, the conservatorship is done and can be terminated immediately ... So it is said in no uncertain terms my client has no interest in continuing the conservatorship and I will join in any effort to terminate immediately ..."
Rosengart begs to differ ... "It is of no moment, presently, whether Mr. Spears's reversal was motivated by a desire to bolster his reputation or to avoid his deposition or responding to the outstanding discovery served on him in August."