LeBron James Says He Got COVID Vaccine, But Won't Urge Others To Do Same
LeBron James I Got The Vaccine ... But I Won't Urge Others To Do Same

LeBron James just confirmed he is, in fact, vaccinated ... but he said he will not urge others to do the same, explaining, "That's not my job."
The NBA superstar broke down his feelings on the COVID vax at Lakers media day Tuesday ... saying to reporters he was initially skeptical of the shots -- but decided to get them after doing his research.
Still, James said he had no interest in pleading with others -- including his NBA peers -- to follow in his footsteps ... believing it's a decision each person must make on their own.
"We're talking about individuals' bodies," LeBron said. "We're not talking about something that's political, or racism, or police brutality. Things of that nature. We're talking about people's bodies and well being."
"So, I don't feel like, for me personally, that I should get involved in what other people should do for their bodies and their livelihoods."
James compared it to giving out job advice -- explaining he would never tell someone how to choose their own career paths.
"You have to do what's best for your family," LeBron said. "So, I know what I did for me and my family. I know some of my friends and what they did for their families."
"But as far as speaking for everybody and their individualities and things that they want to do, I don't feel like that -- that's not my job."
James said the Lakers -- who will head into the season with a 100 percent vaccination rate -- never talked as a team about getting the vaccine ... reiterating he wanted it all to be a choice each individual made on their own.