'Gorilla Glue Girl' Says She's Going to Be The Kylie Jenner of Hair Care
Tessica Brown I'm Going To Be The Kylie Of Hair Care!!!

"Gorilla Glue Girl" is looking to become the Kylie Jenner of hair care now that she's got her own line on products ... and she wants to rip a page from Oprah's book too.
Tessica Brown tells TMZ ... the recent launch of her "Forever Hair" products has been a rousing success with over $25,000 in sales and the early returns have her determined to become a billionaire just like Kylie did with makeup.
As we first told you, Tessica is hawking hairspray, sleek edge control, and hair growth drops -- and says her initial line of products were inspired by her infamous substitution of Gorilla Glue Spray Adhesive for her normal hair spray.
Tessica's already got big plans for her first $25k ... she says she's gonna buy a house in Louisiana, and once she rakes in more it'll be time for her Oprah moment.

The triple comma club is still a long way off, but ya gotta hand it to Tessica for making a big ol' jug of lemonade out of her viral screwup.