Daymond John Hilariously Exposes 'Shark Tank' Star After Credit Card Declined at Dinner!
Daymond John Hilariously Exposes 'Shark Tank' Star Whose Credit Card Was Declined at Dinner!!!

Rich people shaming other rich people NEVER GETS OLD!!
Case in point ... here's Daymond John outing one of his fellow "Shark Tank" stars whose credit card was DECLINED at a fancy dinner -- and all signs point to MARK CUBAN!!!!
"A card was declined and it was somebody that is the last person that I ever think a card would be declined," Daymond said on Rich Eisen's new "Just Getting Started" podcast.
Latest episode of my new podcast “Just Getting Started” is up with @FBTHECOLLECTION founder, best-selling author and @ABCSharkTank Shark @TheSharkDaymond John.
— Rich Eisen (@richeisen) March 12, 2021 @richeisen
Hear how he got started and his advice on how you can start working on your dream path!
"And there was obviously a reason ... but I was like, '[clears throat] I’m going to get this one, so that I can go down in history saying that I paid for your check!'"
Then Daymond dropped another clue ...
"And, if you knew how the Sharks talk, you can tell -- if you’re in sports -- he said 'Whatever, DJ,' you know who that is, of course."
Of course, Cuban is currently worth around $4.4 BILLION, according to Forbes ... so the declined card was most likely a mistake (it's not like the dude doesn't have the funds)!
But still, Daymond loved EVERY SECOND OF IT -- and now he can brag that he picked up Cuban's check in the Dallas Mavericks owner's moment of need.
At the end of the interview, Eisen tells Daymond -- "You tell Cuban, pay his bills!"
Daymond smiles and replies, "You said it, not I. I didn’t say the name, you said it."
Nice try, DJ.