50 Cent Hosts Wild Super Bowl Party in St. Petersburg
50 Cent Hosts Wild Super Bowl Party

50 Cent hosted a wild Super Bowl party Friday night ... and although you see masks here and there, for the most part, it was COVID-oblivious.
The bash went down at a private airport hanger in St. Petersburg. The drill was for everyone to mask up and, with limited capacity, there was room for social distancing. Well, that was the plan.
Doors opened at 9 PM with tickets ranging from $85 for general admission to $7k for a stage table ... judging from the crowd there was enough disposable income to fill the joint.
Tampa's own DJ Fresh performed as well and everyone was very clearly up for a wild and good time.
The party barreled on way past midnight, and more is in store tonight, when 50's set to perform again.
As we reported, health officials, from Dr. Fauci on down, have begged people not to have the typical Super Bowl parties both before the event and on game day. The reality ... people are hosting these parties all across the U.S. of A. ... and judging from recent history the state that will lead the pack is Florida.