AOC Tells Rachel Maddow She Couldn't Tell Good Cops From the Bad During Capitol Riot
AOC to Rachel Maddow I Couldn't Tell the Good Cops from the Bad ... During Capitol Insurrection

There were Capitol police who were nothing less than heroic trying to contain the January 6 insurrection, and there were other Capitol cops who were up to no good ... so says Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
AOC appeared Friday on Rachel Maddow's show, and talked somewhat obliquely about the terror she felt during the failed coup.
Her account is bone-chilling ... "These acts of great heroism, even within Capitol Police and within Congressional staff, etc, that were juxtaposed with acts of great betrayal by people in those same ranks."
As AOC explains ... she and other members couldn't tell the good guys from the bad. As she put it ... "Whether they are there to hurt, or help."

Maddow asked the Congresswoman about what AOC had previously described as a brush with death, though she was not specific at the time. AOC had explained she couldn't provide details because of security concerns, but something frightening clearly went down.
TMZ broke the story ... the FBI almost immediately honed in on what appears to be a small group of Capitol police and Capitol staff, investigating whether they facilitated the insurrection. Several Capitol cops actually opened the door for some of the rioters.

You may have heard ... several members of Congress actually gave some of the insurrectionists a guided tour of the Capitol the day before the riot, which could, in part, explain how they could beeline to Nancy Pelosi's out-of-the-way office and to Jim Clyburn's office that had an unmarked door.
It's clear from the interview ... AOC is still shaken.