Kevin Spacey Says in Christmas Eve Message Friends Have Contemplated Suicide
Kevin Spacey Annual Xmas Eve Message Friends Have Contemplated Suicide

Kevin Spacey has delivered his 3rd annual Xmas Eve message, and this one is about people who have reached out to him contemplating suicide.
Spacey, who's had his own troubles with alleged sexual misconduct, starts his message on a park bench and then begins walking and talking about folks who he says have contacted him this year, fed up with life during COVID times.
He explains how he reassured them that things get better ... he believes that, he says, from personal experience.

Spacey's annual message began in 2018, with a super weird message delivered as Frank Underwood, his character from "House of Cards." He said he was owed due process before people judged him.

Spacey followed up in 2019 with an encore from Underwood, but this message was lighter ... saying he's made big changes to his life.
The reality ... suicide is real this year, and, according to many shrinks, promises to get worse.