Gayle King Says Follow Ex-Presidents, Science on COVID-19 Vaccine
Gayle King Follow Ex-Prezes' Leads on Vaccine ... If They Can, You Can

Gayle King says the fact our top former leaders in the U.S. are willing to get a COVID-19 vaccination -- with the world watching -- should be all the proof people need to feel reassured.
We got the CBS News anchor leaving the studio Tuesday in NYC, where we asked what she made of the fact that the 3 most recent former Presidents (plus soon-to-be-former Prez Trump) have said they're willing to get a COVID vaccine live on camera.
She says she's all for it -- anything that gets people to trust the vaccine, in her mind, is a good thing ... and what better way to convince folks than to get a bunch of Commanders in Chief to partake?
We asked if Gayle would be open to having one administered to herself on her own show, and if she'd be courageous enough to take a gamble. The veteran interviewer flipped it on our guy, and asked an even more poignant question ... about bravery and the COVID-19 vaccines. Well played, GK!
Look, it's clear she supports the science -- not to mention Dr. Tony Fauci -- but Gayle acknowledges people will ultimately have to make up their own minds about taking the vaccine. The decision seems easy for her, though.