Michael Rapaport Calls Out Flawed COVID Shutdown Logic, Understands Frustration
Michael Rapaport COVID Restrictions Flawed & Frustrating ... Just Calling It Like I See It!!!

Michael Rapaport understands the need for coronavirus mitigation, but man, is he fed up with different rules applying to different people and businesses without logical explanations.
The actor joined "TMZ Live" Monday on the heels of his epic rant about a flea market on Melrose Ave. being open this weekend while other outdoor establishments are shut down.
Rapaport says it makes no sense, especially when businesses are taking all the COVID precautions they can to safely keep making money -- so he understands people's frustrations boiling over ... even at that bar in Staten Island.
Michael explained the flea market deepened his empathy for people struggling to make a living amid the pandemic, and he was not knocking the market vendors. His issue is restaurants right across the street not being allowed to be open when their employees are struggling just as much.
Don't get it twisted, though, he's still all about wearing masks and taking steps to mitigate the spread of the coronavirus, he just thinks the rules should apply to everyone -- and if they don't, leaders should explain WHY.
For the record, a strict shutdown did go into effect Sunday night in much of California, which limits all restaurants to carry-out, closes indoor and outdoor play areas, hair salons, museums, movie theaters, amusement parks and live-audience sports, and prohibits people from congregating with anyone outside their household.