George Clooney Busts Out Flowbee Skills on 'Kimmel'
George Clooney It's Flowbee Time!!! Schools Kimmel on DIY Cuts

George Clooney's giving all the doubters proof he really does cut his own hair ... with a Flowbee, and Jimmy Kimmel got to see it up close.
As you've no doubt heard, George made headlines by revealing he's a longtime user and fan of the DIY-haircutting device -- famously lampooned in "Wayne's World." It's shocking 'cause Clooney's hair's kinda been his thing, and no one knew ... which is why plenty of folks weren't buying it.
But, he did a live demo Thursday night as George and Jimmy each busted out their own Flowbee. Kimmel's a rookie, but the Cloons gave him a free tutorial on how it's done.
It seems this specific Flowbee has an extension on it that's too long for George's liking, but as he says ... all ya gotta do is turn the buzzer on and "go to town."
Looks pretty easy, but if you try it at home maybe pop in some earplugs ... the dang thing's loud!
*WARNING: Results WILL vary, and you almost certainly will NOT become the sexiest man alive ... no matter what Clooney's claiming.