Director Trashes 'Euphoria' Star's Apartment during Zoom Audition
Lukas Gage Director Trashes 'Euphoria' Star's Apartment During Zoom Audition

Lukas Gage just wanted to audition for a part in a new project, but he had to deal with a rude director who talked crap on his apartment in a Zoom fail.
The video is equal parts awkward and, well, humorous ... the director thinks he's on mute as he starts picking apart Lukas' surroundings.
Thing is ... Lukas heard it all, and squarely calls out the director. But, the dude is super clever ... rather than getting angry, Lukas gets on board with the director, saying he could afford a better place if he gets the gig.
Lukas has appeared in big shows like "Euphoria," but like lots of folks these days he needs a job to pay the bills.
BTW, it's not even Lukas's apartment ... he's in a hotel on location in Hawaii for another gig.
Boy, who knew Zoom had so many minefields?