Republicans Sell 'Notorious A.C.B.' T-Shirts Supporting Amy Coney Barrett
Amy Coney Barrett Republicans Selling 'Notorious A.C.B.' Shirts ... Democrats Outraged
The best you can call this is bad taste, and the worst is despicable because a Republican group decided to jack the moniker of the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg -- The Notorious R.B.G. -- by instantly printing shirts supporting Judge Amy Coney Barrett with the words "Notorious A.C.B." emblazoned on them.
The shirts are courtesy of the National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) ... a group that raises cash to elect Republicans to the Senate.
The org tweeted a photo of Barrett with the Biggie Smalls crown.
Barrett praised RBG when she spoke Saturday after being nominated by Donald Trump -- she called her "a woman of enormous talent" -- so we're guessing she had nothing to do with the shirt. But seriously ... to riff on something that became part of the public adoration for the late Justice -- it's just wrong.
Some Dems were outraged. California Governor Gavin Newsom said, "This makes me sick to my stomach."
The NRSC is selling the "limited edition" t-shirt for a minimum donation of $25.