Netherlands Crazy Fight Video Shows Everything in Sight Hurled
Crazy Netherlands Fight Video Objects Hurled in Air ... Where's the Kitchen Sink?!?
You think The Netherlands is all kumbaya ... well, we're about to disabuse you of that notion with this video.
All that’s missing is the kitchen sink. 😏🤣🤣
— Fred Schultz (@fred035schultz) September 6, 2020 @fred035schultz
It's unclear what started this insane fight on the streets of Groningen, as a brawl erupts between 40 or so people, and just about everything is fair game to hurl in the air.
It's so crazy it's unclear who's fighting who, as chairs and other objects are flying in every direction.
Some of the businesses suffered minor damage. It's unclear how many people, if any, were injured, but you gotta think these people are waking up sore ... at the very least. The town is laying down the law, trying to prevent this from happening again.
Coronavirus is making the world crazy.