Dad Tries to Drain RV Toilet, Turns into Toxic and Hilarious Mess
Family RV Disaster Dad's Toilet Tank Nightmare ... Poop Flows Into Street!!!

Here's a dad trying to drain his RV's toilet after a camping trip with his family ... and the disgusting video turns into a total s**t show!!!
The guy's got a hose hooked up to the bottom of his RV, and he's trying to empty the toilet into a street drain, but things turn ugly in the blink of an eye.
All of a sudden, the hose comes loose, spilling tons and tons of dark brown sludge onto the ground and sending the family running and screaming for their lives!!!
The kids and their father can barely breathe as they document the disgusting episode ... and in the end, the ground is covered in poop. Cleanup on aisle 6!
Gotta hand it to one child ... the little fella seemed to have an idea dad's foolproof plan was doomed from the start, but sadly no one listened to his warning.
This dad's a regular Robin Williams in his unforgettable 2006 movie, "RV." Yes, there was a similar poop incident too.
Such a crappy way to end a presumably fun camping trip.