'You About to Lose Yo Job' Security Guard in Remix Did Not Lose Job
'Lose Yo Job' Security Guard Psyche ... I'm Still Employed!!!

The man who got an earful from a woman upset about being detained did not lose his job, despite her best wishes and awesome lyrical skills ... he tells us he's still gainfully employed!!!
The man behind the badge in the viral 'Lose Yo Job' video is Julius Locklear, and he tells TMZ ... he's still working as security detail and a bail bondsman.
As you know ... Julius got his 15 minutes of fame this week when video of him detaining a singing and dancing woman started spreading like wildfire on social media, getting the meme treatment and a fun viral remix to boot.
Julius says the incident went down way back on Feb. 5 in Dillon, SC ... where he was hired as special security detail at Diamonds Gentleman's Club.
The way Julius tells it ... the club was closing and kicking out everyone around 4:15 AM, but the woman in the video was alone and refused to hit the road.
Julius says he told her, "You better leave before you get in trouble," to which he claims she replied, "Go suck a d***."
We all know what happens next ... the woman broke out into a freestyle and a dance, "You about to lose yo job, 'cause you are detaining me, for nothing!!!"
JL says he again told the woman to leave, but she fired back with the same line and refused ... so he cuffed her for trespassing. Julius claims he had the authority to cuff her because she twice refused to leave.
Julius has a good sense of humor about it all ... he says the song and dance were hilarious. Easier to laugh when you don't lose your job, too.
In the end ... Julius says he told her she would be let go if she could find a ride, and the club's DJ took her home.
One mystery remains ... Julius says he still doesn't know her name, because she never said it and a report was never filed.