Cop Removes Fellow Cop's Knee from Protester's Neck
George Floyd Protests Cop Forcibly Removes Fellow Cop's Knee from Protester's Neck

Here's what one of the 3 cops should have done when George Floyd was losing his life.
It happened Saturday night in Seattle when a cop put his knee on a protester's neck, eerily similar to the way Derek Chauvin ended George's life. You see another cop forcibly remove the knee of his colleague ... such a simple act that is also a life-saving act.
This has been a big issue in policing ... when a bad cop crosses the line, can other officers who are present get the rogue cop back in line without suffering consequences back at the station?
This is an example of cops checking cops, and it may be one of the most graphic and useful lessons from this whole miserable ordeal ... that police don't have to wait for review boards and prosecutors to tell them how they should have acted ... they can do it before it becomes a tragedy.
And, there was another moving scene in Miami-Dade County, where officers from various departments in the area took a knee as they joined in the protest over George Floyd's death and the police brutality that caused it.