Coronavirus Blood-Soaked Wet Markets Still Open ... New Video From Asia

The deadly pandemic is doing nothing to shut down the unsafe, breeding grounds for disease that are wet markets ... they're still operating all across Asia, and in the U.S. for that matter.
This shocking new footage from PETA was shot at blood-soaked wet markets in China, Indonesia, Vietnam, Cambodia, the Philippines and Thailand ... and it shows the filthy conditions where live dogs, bats, monkeys, snakes, civets, birds, cats, rabbits, ducks and chickens are bought and sold.
As you can see ... a wet market in Indonesia keeps bats, civets, monkeys, birds, rabbits and cats in cages covered with layers of feces and rotten food. One rabbit even convulses and dies right in front of the camera.
Bats have been linked to COVID-19 -- some scientists say the animals are at the center of the outbreak -- and civets have been linked to SARS.
In Thailand, ducks and chickens are crammed into cages wing-to-wing ... and in the Philippines, wet market workers casually wear sandals as they walk across blood-soaked floors to slice up pigs and birds with their bare hands.
Meanwhile, in Vietnam, a counter near living animals is stacked high with the cooked dog heads and other body parts of the poor pooches.
One image is constant across these Asian wet markets ... the floors are covered with blood, guts and water.

It's not just an issue in Asia ... as we've reported, wet markets also exist here in New York, California and Texas.
PETA is using this shocking new footage to call upon the World Health Organization to urge the shutdown of live-animal markets across the globe, including those still operating here in the States.

The animal rights org says the next deadly pandemic is inevitable, as long as live-animal markets are still operating ... and PETA says the conditions are a Petri dish for pandemics.