Jade East in ' Up In Smoke' 'Memba Her?!
Jade East in 'Up In Smoke' 'Memba Her?!
New York-native Zane Buzby made her big-screen debut when she landed the role of the pill-popping hippie, Jade East -- who gets picked up while hitchhiking and ultimately helps Cheech and Chong get to the battle of the bands -- in the iconic 1978 stoner masterpiece, Cheech & Chong's "Up in Smoke."
Aside from Cheech Marin and Tommy Chong's classic characters ... Zane Buzby was on her hitchhiking journey with her buxom blonde BFF, Debbie, who was played by Wally Ann Wharton.
Buzby is now much more known for her work on the other side of the lens as a director ... and for her work as a humanitarian.