President Trump I'm with the Band for SB Party!!! Awkward 'Conducting' During National Anthem

While Jay-Z and Beyonce were sitting during the National Anthem, President Trump was also making a spectacle of himself with lots of ... Trump-esq hand gestures.
The Prez held his annual Super Bowl viewing party at Mar-a-Lago, and joined everyone else in the room -- standing for Demi Lovato's "Star Spangled Banner" rendition -- but his behavior was far from traditional. Instead of standing at attention with a hand over his heart -- as Melania did -- Trump pretended he was conducting the orchestra, and awkwardly pointed at people around the room.
Tradition be damned.

You know by now, Bey and Jay are taking a lot of heat for sitting during the Anthem as they watched live from their seats at the big game. It came off like a protest of sorts ... although neither has yet said what message, if any, they were trying to send.
No one could confuse the video of Trump -- first posted by the Miami Herald -- with a protest, but imagine if Jay-Z was on-camera acting that way during the Anthem.
Y'know Trump would STILL be mid-Twitter rant, nearly 24 hours after the fact.