Gwyneth Paltrow Poses in Flowery Vagina Replica for Goop Event
Gwyneth Paltrow Tickled Pink About Goop!!! (Yeah, It's a Vagina Joke)
Gwyneth Paltrow is sliding right into promo mode for her new show about female wellness and empowerment, and as you can see -- she's highlighting vaginas. It's kinda her thing now.
GP was beaming Tuesday night in L.A. for a screening of her Netflix series, "The Goop Lab" ... which goes behind the scenes of her Goop biz, selling products tailored to make ladies feel good. Especially where it counts.
So, Gwyn striking a pose in front of a flower display that's a dead ringer for a vagina ... is no mistake. After all, this is the same woman hawking a candle that, allegedly, releases her own personal ... scent.
The whole idea of her biz is women shouldn't be afraid to take care of themselves in all respects -- especially when it comes to their sex lives. Clearly, she isn't scared of expressing her philosophy in creative ways.
In other words ... sometimes a rose, isn't a rose, isn't a rose. It can be other stuff too.