Dr. Oz Says Breakfast is a Sham, Waiting for Brunch is Healthier
Dr. Oz Ban Breakfast in 2020 ... It's an Advertising Ploy!!!

Dr. Oz has a radical New Year's resolution for folks that goes beyond dieting and sounds a little crazy ... he wants to cancel breakfast.
The popular TV doctor is adamant the first meal of the day -- the most important meal of the day according to lore -- is actually a sham created by the advertising industry ... and there's a healthier alternative.
Dr. Oz tells us it's better to wait a few hours until you're actually hungry to eat -- don't just load up in the morning because you think you are supposed to. He suggests brunching daily over breakfast.
As for those who claim they ARE hungry first thing in the AM ... Dr. Oz says you're mistaken -- it's actually just withdrawals because you're a food junkie.
BTW -- we got Dr. Oz at his System 20 event in NYC, which featured his new plan to take control of your health in 2020 ... so he's certainly serious about the topic.
We did a little research ourselves, and it turns out ... he might be on to something. Several studies in recent years show that breakfast has little to no effect on a person's body weight, resting metabolic rate, cholesterol or blood sugar levels.
However, other studies suggest skipping breakfast is linked to increased risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes and obesity ... and being less physically active than someone who eats breakfast.
According to Dr. Oz, though -- brunch is the new breakfast.