FaZe Clan President Says Gamers Could Eventually Make As Much Cash As NFLers
FaZe Clan President Gamers Make Bank ... Eventually Could Be As Much As NFLers

FaZe Selkoe -- aka the president of the famous FaZe Clan -- says Esports stars ain't making NFL player money yet ... but he tells TMZ Sports it could eventually happen.
And, why? The 44-year-old says their business model is just perfect for today's society.
Selkoe tells us because fans can watch and interact with players during tournaments AND in practice sessions, he says the potential for the growth of gamers' wallets is HUGE.
"They'll have hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of people watching them play and interact," Selkoe says ... "It's really this amalgamation of pop culture, actual sports and classic entertainment."
Of course, some gamers are already pulling in the hefty checks ... Esports star FaZe Banks is reportedly worth around $3 MILLION, while gaming legend Ninja has said he makes roughly $500,000 A MONTH.
As for Esports eventually overtaking the NFL, NBA, NHL or MLB in popularity ... ya gotta hear why Selkoe thinks that might be possible as well!