NBA's Kelly Oubre Says Dwight Howard Was Good Teammate, 'A Little Distant'
NBA's Kelly Oubre Dwight Howard Was Good Teammate ... 'A Little Distant'

Phoenix Suns star Kelly Oubre is vouching for Dwight Howard -- telling TMZ Sports the guy was a good teammate during their time in Washington ... despite being a "little distant."
23-year-old Oubre kept it 100 when we spoke with him at LAX -- describing Howard as a "psychological dude" who was "very down to earth" ... and NEVER a distraction.
As for being "distant," Oubre notes Howard was dealing with an injury -- so he understood why Dwight wasn't 100% engaged with the team.
There have been reports over the years that Dwight rubbed previous teammates the wrong way -- and people are concerned about how he'll do with the Lakers, but Kelly doesn't seem worried at all.
We also spoke with Kelly about the bigger issue in his life -- are thing getting serious with insanely hot supermodel Jasmine Sanders, one of the top bikini models on the planet?!
Remember, the two were spotted holding hands on their way out of an L.A. nightclub back in August -- and it APPEARED like a brand new supercouple was on the scene!
But, Oubre tells us they're NOT exclusive ... explaining they're good friends and she's a great person, but he's just not ready to settle down with ANYONE yet!
"Man, I'm 23 ... ya feel me?! I got a long life to live!"
You do you, bro ... but good lord. Jasmine Sanders is RIDICULOUS HOT!!!!