Jeremy Meeks Says He's Still with Chloe Green Despite Yacht Pics
Jeremy Meeks on Chloe Green 'Still Together' Not Sweating Her Topless Rendezvous

Jeremy Meeks is either the most confident man in the world or he's completely out of the loop ... cause he says he's still with Chloe Green despite her titillating encounter with another man.
Jeremy was seen out Wednesday in L.A. and dude couldn't look more relaxed just weeks after Chloe was spotted canoodling a famous polo player on a yacht. Jeremy didn't give paps a lot of time but he also left zero room for ambiguity ... he straight-up says he's still with Chloe.
Jeremy was asked how he felt about Chloe getting cozy with another man ... and Jeremy's answer is both surprising and a tad puzzling.
If ya missed it ... Chloe and Monte Carlo polo captain Rommy Gianni were spotted aboard her father's $150 million yacht in the Mediterranean. She was topless and they weren't shy about showing some PDA.
Not to be outdone ... Rommy's hard bod was on display as the Italian stallion's shorts barely hung on to his chiseled bod. Based on his Instagram page ... seems Rommy's rarely ever without a beauty by his side. But, many were surprised to see Chloe getting down with him ... fueling speculation the billionaire heiress was done with Jeremy.
Guess not ... in Jeremy's world, anyway.